Area Organizations

Following are contacts for each organization. Some can also be contacted via facebook.

American Legion Club: Dave Kosse, 507-629-3303

American Legion Auxiliary: Jan Bornitz, 507-629-4685 

Amiret Busy Bees 4-H Club: Kim Roggatz, 320-297-0577

Currie Town & Country: Doug Hansen, 507-763-3262 

Eagles & Eagles Auxiliary: Steve Meyer, 507-626-0288

Eastern Star: Melanie Pamp, 507-629-4444 

Fine Arts Council of Tracy: Jay Fultz, 507-626-0841

Garden Gate Garden Club: LouAnn Engel, 507-629-3524 

Garvin First Responders: James Julien, 507-746-4456 

Hoe and Hope Garden Club: Muriel Richardson, 507-629-3307 

Kiwanis Club: Janet Randall, 507-629-4502 

Knights of Columbus: Joe VanMoer, 507-215-1881 

Ladies in Red: Linda Witt, 507-629-3816

Lions Club: Frank Nielsen, 507-629-4994 

Masonic Lodge: Doug Pamp 507-629-4444

Multi-Purpose Center: 507-629-5547 

Sanford Tracy Medical Foundation: Denise Clouse, 507-629-3200 

Tracy Ambulance Service: Charlie DeSchepper, 507-629-3478 

Tracy Area Chamber of Commerce: Lexi Erickson, 507-629-4021

Tracy Area FFA: High School, 507-629-5500

Tracy Girl Scouts: Alicia Swenhaugen, 507-828-6939

Tracy Cub Scouts: Tonya Eichner, 320-250-5647

Tracy Community Ed & Rec.: Bill Tauer, 507-629-5510

Tracy Development Corporation (TDC):

Tracy Economic Development: Jeff Carpenter, 507-401-1389

Tracy Fire Department: Dale Johnson III, 507-629-8225

Wheels Across the Prairie Museum Jon Wendorff, 507-626-1949